Total Course
Hi! I’m Oumnia, a watercolor artist and jeweler. I like to capture moments when I'm traveling, using my camera, or sketching on my A6 sketchbook with watercolors. Capturing what my eyes see and what I feel, I turn some of my works into postcards or repaint them when I'm at home. My paintings are usually landscapes or Moroccan atay (because atay is love).
Come paint your favorite memory of Morocco using watercolor paint. The practice of presenting what surrounds you, your feelings, and your insights through artistic practice leads to connecting you with your inner self and our mother nature. In this workshop you will discover watercolor painting techniques, some basic sketching skills, and most importantly have fun! By the end of this workshop you will be able to take home at least 3 postcard paintings.
Contact Oumnia for a watercolor painting workshop: